Friday, September 28, 2007


Here we are at Stabucks in Santa Monica and then again at the top of the Beverly Center. We were there to see a film, but helped ourselves to Korean BBQ afterwards. A note on Green Tea and the icing thereof: Over the summer of 2007, I have cultivated a strong relationship to Starbucks Iced Green Tea. We (the tea and I) have become very good friends. Co-dependants? I think not...others might disagree, but if one is going to have an addiction, Green Tea is not a bad one to have. At the Beverly Center, I experienced for the first time, the Iced Green Tea and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, a coffee joint that we do not have on the East Coast. Well, let me just say what a delight it was. You can know that my smile as we looked over Beverly Hills was mostly the work of my new found friend, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Long live camellia sinensis. Here too is John, Mike and Amy at the engine of a lengthy train. Also: Ed, James Matt and I after lunch in Los Feliz.

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