Saturday, December 16, 2006


The skeleton of the kitchen. There are two odd angles, both about 120 degrees, that make it hard to properly place the cabinets. Matt was home for 1 week and we finished attaching the cabinet frames. IKEA is the manufacturer, and I have to say, the Swedes are clever. Everything was as it said it was, just a matter of following the complicated, but very clear and understandable directions. "Part 11021 inserts and clicks intto Part 11434". I remain impressed with the ease of the operation.

Some have commented that the top layer of the [European Designed] double stacked cabinets will need a ladder to be reached. Not for a giant, I say. If we invited a Harry Potter's chum, Haggred or Yao Ming or Andre the Giant to stay with us, they would NOT need a ladder. Actually, Andre the Giant would probably need a ladder. He'd probably need much more than a ladder since he's dead. But the point is, not everyone needs a ladder to reach the top. Indeed, I might need a ladder and Matt might need a ladder. So to you highly keen observers out there, you're only partly right.

Also, please take note of the dishwasher. Very cute, isn't it?

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